Introduction to Unity Editor UI

Welcome to Unity, the world's leading platform for creating interactive content. Before diving into game development, getting familiar with the Unity Editor UI is crucial. Let's begin your journey with a gentle introduction to the Unity user interface, ensuring you're confident in navigating this powerful tool.

Unity Editor 2020.2.3f1.

The Unity Workspace

The Unity workspace is flexible and can be customized to suit your preferences. At the heart of the editor, you'll find several panels and windows that facilitate the game development process.

Main Elements of Unity Editor UI

  • Scene View: The main area where you'll arrange objects, cameras, lights, and more. Think of it as the stage where you set up your game.
  • Game View: Here, you'll see your game as a player would. It provides a real-time preview of your game.
  • Hierarchy Window: Lists all the objects in the current scene. It's your organized view of every element in your scene.
  • Project Window: Your main asset library. It shows all assets at your disposal - scripts, models, textures, and more.
  • Inspector Window: Whenever you select an object, the Inspector displays its properties and allows you to modify them.
  • Console Window: This is where Unity logs messages, warnings, and errors. It's an essential tool for debugging.

Layout Customization

One of the strengths of Unity Engine is its adaptability. You can adjust the editor layout to best suit your working style.

  • Drag panels and windows around to create a layout that works for you.
  • Save custom layouts and switch between them based on the task at hand.
  • Use the default layouts provided by Unity for specific tasks like animation or UI design.

Key Features of Unity UI

Unity boasts a myriad of features designed to streamline your workflow. Let's delve into a few noteworthy ones.

Play Mode

With just a click, you can instantly playtest your game right within the editor. When you enter Play Mode, the Play button turns blue, signaling that you're experiencing the game as a player would.


Snapping is a handy tool for precisely positioning objects in your scene. By holding down the Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) key and dragging, objects will snap to grid points, ensuring alignment and uniformity.

Asset Store Integration

Directly integrated into the editor, the Unity Asset Store provides a plethora of game assets, tools, and extensions. It's a valuable resource, especially for indie developers or those on a tight budget.

Basic Unity Scripting

While the Unity visual tools are potent, to truly harness its power, you'll need to venture into scripting. Unity primarily uses C# for scripting. Let's look at a basic script example:

using UnityEngine;

public class HelloWorld : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
        Debug.Log("Hello, Unity!");
  • This simple script, when attached to a GameObject, will display "Hello, Unity!" in the console when the game starts.


Getting comfortable with the Unity Editor UI is the first step in your game development journey. With practice, the once-daunting sea of panels and windows will feel like second nature. Remember to experiment, customize your workspace, and above all, have fun. The world of game development awaits!