Creating a Simple Platformer Game in Unity

Creating a simple platformer game in Unity can be a great way to learn the basics of game development. Here's an overview of the steps involved in creating a simple platformer game:

Setting up the Project

Create a new 2D project in Unity. Set up the necessary project settings, including the target platform, resolution, and aspect ratio.

Creating the Player Character

Design or import a sprite for the player character. Create a GameObject and attach a 'Rigidbody2D' component to enable physics-based movement. Add a 'BoxCollider2D' component for collision detection. Write a script to handle player movement, jumping, and any other desired interactions.

Designing the Level

Create a new scene and design the platforms and obstacles for the level. Use the Unity built-in 2D sprite editor to create or import platform sprites. Arrange the platforms in the scene using GameObjects with 'BoxCollider2D' components for collision detection.

Implementing Movement and Physics

Write code to handle player movement using input from the keyboard or controller. Apply forces or velocity to the 'Rigidbody2D' component to enable horizontal movement. Implement jumping by applying an upward force to the 'Rigidbody2D' when the jump button is pressed.

Handling Collisions and Platform Interaction

Write code to handle collisions between the player character and the platforms. Use the 'OnCollisionEnter2D' or 'OnTriggerEnter2D' event to detect collisions and implement the logic for landing on platforms, checking for ground contact, and detecting obstacles.

Implementing Camera Follow

Create a camera GameObject and write a script to make it follow the player character. Adjust the camera's position based on the player's movement to keep the player in view.

Adding Collectibles and Enemies

Introduce collectible objects or power-ups by creating GameObjects with appropriate sprites and colliders. Implement logic to detect player collisions with collectibles and handle the desired behavior, such as increasing scores or providing special abilities. Similarly, add enemy GameObjects with appropriate colliders and implement enemy behavior, such as patrolling or chasing the player.

Implementing Game Mechanics

Add game mechanics like score tracking, lives, or a timer. Write code to keep track of player progress, display the score, or handle game over conditions. Implement restart or level completion logic to provide a sense of progression.

Testing and Refinement

Playtest the game and make adjustments as needed. Test different scenarios, adjust player movement parameters, and fine-tune the level design to ensure an enjoyable gameplay experience.

Polishing and Visual Enhancements

Add visual effects, animations, sound effects, and background music to enhance the overall presentation of the game. Use the Unity particle system for effects like particle trails or explosions. Implement sound and music using the Unity audio system.


Remember to break down the development process into smaller tasks and tackle them one at a time. Unity provides a wealth of documentation, tutorials, and community resources to help developers along the way. Enjoy the process of building a platformer game and have fun experimenting with different ideas and features!

Unity 6