Meaning Behind the Word: Square-rigger

Square-rigger refers to a type of sailing vessel characterized by square sails rigged on multiple masts, typically used during the age of sail for trade, exploration, and naval warfare.


The term square-rigger originates from the design of the vessel, with square sails rigged perpendicular to the keel, providing efficient propulsion against the wind.


In maritime history and literature, the term square-rigger is commonly encountered:

  • Historical Vessels: Many museums and maritime enthusiasts preserve and sail replica square riggers to showcase their importance in maritime heritage.
  • Naval Warfare: Square-riggers played significant roles in historical naval battles, demonstrating their maneuverability and firepower.
  • Literary Works: Classic novels and poems often feature square-riggers, romanticizing the era of tall ships and seafaring adventures.


Square-riggers were instrumental in shaping world history, facilitating global trade, exploration, and cultural exchange. Their iconic silhouette and storied past continue to captivate imaginations and inspire reverence for maritime traditions.