Comparing LateUpdate and FixedUpdate in Unity

In Unity, the LateUpdate and FixedUpdate functions serve distinct purposes and are used for different types of updates. Let's examine the differences between LateUpdate and FixedUpdate with code examples.


The LateUpdate function is called once per frame, similar to the function 'Update', but it is executed after all the 'Update' functions have been completed. It is commonly used for camera-related tasks and actions that depend on other updates.

void LateUpdate()
    // Camera follow
    Vector3 desiredPosition = target.position + offset;
    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, desiredPosition, smoothness);
    // Additional actions after other updates
    // ...

In the example above, the function LateUpdate is used to smoothly follow a target object with a camera. It ensures that the camera's position is updated after the target's movement has been processed in the 'Update' functions. Additional actions that depend on the object's updated position can also be performed within the LateUpdate.


The function FixedUpdate is called at fixed time intervals, determined by the physics settings, making it suitable for physics-related calculations and actions. It ensures consistent physics simulation regardless of the frame rate.

void FixedUpdate()
    // Physics calculations
    rb.AddForce(transform.forward * forceMagnitude);
    // Other physics-related tasks
    // ...

In the example above, we apply a constant force to a Rigidbody component in the object's forward direction. The use of FixedUpdate ensures that the physics calculations occur at a fixed rate, regardless of the frame rate. This is important for maintaining stable physics simulation.

LateUpdate vs FixedUpdate

Key differences between functions LateUpdate and FixedUpdate:

  • LateUpdate is called after all Update functions have been completed, while FixedUpdate is called at fixed time intervals.
  • LateUpdate is commonly used for camera-related tasks and actions dependent on other updates, while FixedUpdate is specifically designed for physics-related calculations and actions.
  • LateUpdate ensures that actions dependent on other updates occur after those updates have been processed, while FixedUpdate ensures consistent physics simulation.


It's important to note that LateUpdate and FixedUpdate can coexist in the same script, allowing to separate camera-related updates and physics-related updates. Understanding the differences and utilizing the appropriate function in each context helps ensure smooth and consistent behavior in the Unity projects.
