How to Set Up VPN Connections in Windows 11?

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, allows a secure connection to another network via the internet. It can be useful for accessing resources on a business or personal network while out of the local area or for ensuring data security when using public Wi-Fi networks.

Terms Explained

  • VPN: Virtual Private Network. Encrypts the connection from an endpoint to a network, often over the Internet.
  • Endpoint: A device that communicates back to a network.
  • Protocol: Rules governing the data transmission across a network. Common VPN protocols include PPTP, L2TP, SSTP, and OpenVPN.
  • Tunneling: Process of transmitting private network data and traffic across public networks.

Why Set Up a VPN Connection?

VPN connections are primarily established to ensure data security and privacy. In the context of Windows 11, using a VPN helps in:

  • Securing data transmissions while on public networks.
  • Accessing remote data and resources in a secure manner.
  • Bypassing geographic restrictions on certain online content.

Setting Up VPN Connections in Windows 11

  1. Open the Start Menu and select Settings.

  2. Choose Network & Internet.

  3. From the left pane, click on VPN.

  4. Select the + Add a VPN connection option.

  5. In the Add a VPN connection window:

    • For the VPN provider, select Windows (built-in).
    • In the Connection name field, type a recognizable name for the VPN connection.
    • In the Server name or address field, input the server's address. (We recommend this VPN Service)
    • For VPN type, choose the type of VPN connection required, based on what the VPN service provider supports (e.g., PPTP, L2TP, SSTP).
    • Under Type of sign-in info, select the desired method (usually Username and password).
    • Input the Username and Password provided by the VPN service.
    • Click Save.
  6. After saving, the new VPN connection will appear in the VPN section.

  7. To connect, click on the VPN connection name and then click the Connect button.


Utilizing a VPN in Windows 11 enhances security and accessibility. Whether for personal or professional use, it's a valuable feature to understand and implement.