How to Make Light Cookies in Unity

Light cookies play a crucial role in shaping and enhancing the visual appeal of your scenes. In this guide, we'll take you through the steps to create and implement light cookies, allowing you to add a touch of realism and atmosphere to your Unity projects. Let's dive in!

What are Light Cookies?

Light Cookie Effects in Unity.

Before we dive into the creation process, let's briefly explore what light cookies are. A light cookie, also known as a cookie texture or gobo, is an image or texture applied to a light source to control the shape and pattern of the emitted light. By using light cookies, you can simulate various lighting effects such as shadows, and patterns, and even project intricate details onto surfaces within your scene.

Step 1: Prepare Your Project

Begin by opening your Unity project and ensuring you have a scene set up where you want to implement the light cookie.

Step 2: Importing Light Cookie Textures

You can either create your own light cookie textures or download pre-existing ones. Unity supports various image formats like PNG or JPEG for this purpose. Import your chosen light cookie textures into your project. Check the example of a light cookie texture below:

Light Cookie Texture.

Step 3: Verify Light Cookie Import Settings

For the effect to work properly, the Light Cookie's texture "Wrap Mode" has to be set to "Clamp", and the "Alpha Source" has to be set to either "Input Texture Alpha" if the texture contains an alpha channel, or "From Gray Scale" if the image doesn't have transparency, but has a black background.

Step 4: Configuring the Light Source

Select the light source in your scene that you want to apply the light cookie. Change the light's "Cookie" variable to the desired light cookie texture.

Step 5: Adjusting Parameters

Experiment with the intensity, color, and range of your light source to see how the light cookie affects the scene. Additionally, you can play around with the rotation and scale of the light cookie material for different effects.

Step 6: Fine-Tuning

Iterate through steps 3 to 5 until you achieve the desired lighting effect. Don't hesitate to try different light cookie textures and configurations to find the perfect fit for your scene.


By following these steps, you've successfully learned how to create and implement light cookies in Unity. Experiment with various textures and settings to discover the vast creative possibilities they offer in enhancing the visual richness of your projects. Light cookies provide an effective way to add depth and atmosphere to your scenes, contributing to a more immersive and visually compelling gaming or interactive experience.