How to Enable and Configure DirectStorage in Windows 11 for Faster Game Loads

With the introduction of Windows 11, gaming performance is taken to a new level, thanks to the inclusion of "DirectStorage". This feature promises to reduce game load times by optimizing the way games access the storage device. Here's how to set up and take advantage of DirectStorage in Windows 11.

Terms Related to DirectStorage

  • DirectStorage: A feature introduced by Microsoft to streamline storage access for video games, decreasing load times.
  • NVMe: Non-Volatile Memory Express, a protocol for accessing high-speed storage media.
  • API: Application Programming Interface, allowing different software entities to communicate.

Why Use DirectStorage?

DirectStorage capitalizes on the speed of NVMe SSDs, enabling games to load assets directly without bogging down the CPU. The result is reduced game load times, smoother in-game asset streaming, and an overall enhanced gaming experience.


  • A Windows 11-compatible system.
  • An NVMe SSD.
  • Games and apps that support DirectStorage.

Steps to Enable and Configure DirectStorage

  1. Verify System Compatibility

    Ensure that the system supports Windows 11's system requirements, especially the NVMe SSD part, as it's essential for DirectStorage.

  2. Update Windows 11 to the Latest Version

    DirectStorage might require the latest updates. Check for updates by going to Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Update, and then click on Check for updates.

  3. Enable DirectStorage

    Currently, Windows 11 is expected to have DirectStorage enabled by default for eligible systems. However, users should refer to game documentation to see if any specific settings or configurations are required within the game itself.


Embracing DirectStorage can profoundly impact the gaming experience, making waits during game loads a thing of the past. As more games adopt this technology, it's anticipated that gamers will witness a notable enhancement in their play sessions.