Base64 Decode | Online Tool

Use this tool to decode Base64-encoded strings back into plain text. However, if the original encoded Base64 string represents binary data, such as an image, the decoded output will appear as a series of unintelligible characters. Thus, this tool is optimized for decoding Base64 strings that originated from plain text. To transform text to a Base64-encoded string, use our Tool for Encoding Plain Text to a Base64 String.

What is Base64?

Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that is commonly used to represent binary data, especially when it needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with text. By encoding binary data to a string of ASCII characters, Base64 ensures that the data remains intact without modification during transport. Base64 is often used in a variety of applications including email via MIME, as well as storing complex data in XML or JSON. The encoding process results in a string composed of the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, and /, with '=' used as padding at the end if necessary.

Common Uses for Base64-Encoded Values

Base64 is commonly used to encode binary data, particularly when that data needs to be embedded within text-based formats or transmitted over protocols that are designed primarily for textual data. This includes embedding images in HTML or CSS using Data URIs, encoding attachments in MIME for emails, storing or transmitting files in XML or JSON formats, and representing binary data in URL parameters. By converting binary data into a safe ASCII string representation, Base64 ensures data integrity during transport or storage in systems that might otherwise corrupt or misinterpret the raw binary data.

Why One Might Use Base64 to Encode Plain Text?

While Base64 is primarily designed for binary data encoding, it can also be used to encode plain text. This might be done to obfuscate or conceal the content from casual observation, to ensure data integrity when working with systems that might not handle certain text characters appropriately, or to embed textual data in environments where certain characters might be problematic. For instance, encoding plain text with Base64 can prevent issues with special or reserved characters in URLs, configuration files, or scripts. However, it's important to note that Base64 is not a secure encryption method and should not be relied upon to conceal sensitive information.


Base64 is a versatile encoding scheme primarily designed to represent binary data in an ASCII string format, ensuring its safe transportation and storage in text-based systems. While sometimes employed for plain text encoding to manage special characters or for obfuscation, it's crucial to understand that Base64 does not provide encryption or security. For users leveraging our online tool for Base64 decoding, always ensure that the content being decoded is from a trusted source, as decoding malicious or manipulated data can pose risks.


  • Paste your Base64-encoded string here...: The area where the Base64-encoded string goes.
  • Text output will appear here...: The area where the decoded text from Base64 will appear (if the provided Base64 string contains valid characters).