A Casebook of the Keyboard Internal Components

Computer keyboards are an integral part of our digital lives, serving as the primary input device for most computers. They enable users to communicate with computers, inputting commands, typing documents, programming, gaming, and performing various other tasks. Over the decades, keyboards have evolved from the clunky typewriter-style ones to the sleek and efficient models we see today. But have you ever wondered about the intricacies that lie beneath those keys we tap away at daily? This article delves deep into the internal components of a keyboard, offering a comprehensive casebook for both enthusiasts and the curious.

The Foundation: The Keyboard's PCB

At the core of every keyboard is its Printed Circuit Board (PCB). This electronic circuitry detects each key press and sends the corresponding signal to the computer. The PCB is the backbone that supports all other components.

Keys and Switches

Each key on a keyboard sits atop a switch. There are various types of switches, from mechanical to membrane, each offering a distinct tactile feel and sound. Mechanical switches, for instance, provide tactile feedback and are often preferred by typists and gamers for their precision.


These are the visible parts of the keyboard that you press. They're usually made of plastic and can be easily removed on most modern keyboards, allowing for customization or replacement.


Larger keys like the spacebar or enter key have stabilizers underneath. These ensure that the key doesn't wobble and provide a consistent feel when pressed from any angle.

LEDs and Backlighting

Many keyboards today come with backlighting, enabling users to type in low-light conditions. LEDs embedded in the PCB provide this illumination, with some keyboards offering customizable RGB lighting.

Comparison of Different Keyboard Types

Keyboard TypeProsCons
MechanicalDurable, tactile feedback, preciseOften louder, more expensive
MembraneQuieter, usually more affordableLess tactile, can wear out faster
Scissor-switchLow profile, quiet, suitable for laptopsLess tactile than mechanical
CapacitiveSmooth keystrokes, durableExpensive, less common

Caring for Your Keyboard

Given the complexity of its internal components, maintaining your keyboard is crucial. Dust, dirt, and spills can wreak havoc on its functionality. A proper cleaning regimen can extend your keyboard's lifespan and ensure a pleasant typing experience.

If you're looking to keep your keyboard in pristine condition, consider getting this 7-in-1 Keyboard Cleaning Kit available for a discounted price. It provides all the tools you'll need to clean and maintain your keyboard effectively.


A keyboard is more than just a collection of keys. It's a marvel of electronic engineering, designed for durability and precision. By understanding its internal components, we can better appreciate the intricacies of this everyday tool and ensure it serves us well for years to come.