Meaning Behind the Word: Chemisorption

Chemisorption is a process with profound implications in surface chemistry, where molecules adhere to a surface through chemical bonds.


In the realm of Chemisorption, the term can be broken down into two components: Chemistry and Adsorption. It goes beyond physical adsorption, involving a chemical reaction between the adsorbate and the surface.


The mechanism of Chemisorption is characterized by strong, specific interactions. It often results in the formation of a monolayer of molecules on the surface, altering its properties.


Chemisorption plays a crucial role in various industrial processes, such as catalysis, where the interaction between a catalyst and reactants is essential for chemical transformations.


Here are some examples of Chemisorption in action:

  • Catalytic Converters: Facilitate the chemisorption of pollutants, transforming them into less harmful substances.
  • Battery Technology: Involves chemisorption processes for energy storage and release.


The significance of Chemisorption lies in its ability to influence surface reactivity, making it a crucial phenomenon in the study of materials and their interactions at the molecular level.


Chemisorption unveils a deeper layer of interaction between molecules and surfaces, unlocking opportunities for advancements in chemistry and technology.