The Concept of Money in Video Games

Money is a fundamental concept in video games, playing a pivotal role in various game genres ranging from role-playing games (RPGs) to simulation games and even action-adventure titles. In this guide, we'll explore the significance of money in video games, its diverse implementations, and its impact on gameplay.

1. The Role of Money

In video games, money serves multiple purposes, enriching the gaming experience in various ways:

  • Resource Management: Money often represents a form of currency used to purchase items, equipment, upgrades, or unlock new content within the game world.

  • Progression: Accumulating wealth can be a key aspect of progression, allowing players to advance through the game, access new areas, or unlock more powerful abilities.

  • Economy: In games with trading or crafting mechanics, money facilitates transactions between players or non-player characters (NPCs), contributing to the in-game economy.

  • Reward System: Money is frequently used as a reward for completing objectives, quests, and challenges, or defeating enemies, incentivizing player engagement and skill development.

2. Implementations of Money in Games

Money can take various forms and be integrated into gameplay mechanics in diverse ways:

  • Currency Types: Games may feature different types of currency, each with its own value and uses. Common examples include gold coins, credits, gems, or even abstract forms like experience points (XP).

  • Earning Methods: Players can acquire money through a variety of means, including looting treasure chests, selling items, completing quests, winning matches, or performing in-game tasks.

  • Expenditure Options: Money can be spent on various in-game assets such as weapons, armor, consumables, cosmetics, character upgrades, property, vehicles, or even virtual real estate.

  • Monetary Systems: Games may employ different monetary systems, including fixed economies with set prices, dynamic economies influenced by player actions, or bartering systems where items are exchanged directly.

3. Impact on Gameplay

The presence of money significantly shapes the gameplay experience:

  • Player Choices: Money often introduces decision-making dilemmas, requiring players to prioritize their spending based on their goals, playstyle, or current needs.

  • Economic Balance: Games with robust economic systems may require careful balancing to prevent inflation, scarcity, or exploitation, ensuring a fair and enjoyable experience for all players.

  • Reward Motivation: Money serves as a motivating factor, encouraging players to engage with game content, explore the environment, and strive for achievements to earn rewards.

  • Immersion and Realism: A well-executed monetary system can enhance immersion by simulating real-world economic principles, adding depth to the game world and its inhabitants.

4. Examples of Money in Popular Games

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Features a traditional gold-based currency for trading, purchasing items, and hiring services like mercenaries or carriage rides.

  • Grand Theft Auto V: Utilizes cash as the primary currency, acquired through various criminal activities such as heists, missions, or selling stolen goods.

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Introduces bells as the in-game currency, earned through activities like fishing, bug catching, or selling items to NPCs.

  • World of Warcraft: Employs a complex economic system with gold coins as currency, allowing players to buy/sell items, trade with others, or engage in auction house transactions.


Money is a versatile and integral aspect of video game design, serving as a key component of gameplay progression, resource management, and player motivation. Its implementation varies widely across different genres and titles, contributing to each game's unique identity and appeal. Understanding the role of money in video games enhances appreciation for game design and enriches the gaming experience for players worldwide.