Implementing Custom Update Rate in Unity

To implement a custom update rate in Unity, you can create a separate script to manage your own update loop using coroutines or other methods. Here's a basic example of how you can achieve this:

using UnityEngine;

public class CustomUpdateManager : MonoBehaviour
    public float updateInterval = 0.1f; // Customize your update interval here

    private float timeSinceLastUpdate;

    private void Start()
        timeSinceLastUpdate = 0f;

    private IEnumerator CustomUpdateLoop()
        while (true)
            // Custom update loop

            // Wait for the specified interval
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(updateInterval);

    private void UpdateLogic()
        // Your custom update logic goes here
        Debug.Log("Custom Update");

        // For example, move an object
        transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime);
  • Attach the script above to a GameObject in your scene. This script creates a custom update loop that executes 'UpdateLogic()' at a specified interval ('updateInterval').

You can adjust 'updateInterval' to control how frequently 'UpdateLogic()' is called. Smaller intervals will result in more frequent updates, while larger intervals will result in less frequent updates.

This approach ensures that your custom logic is decoupled from Unity's built-in 'Update()' method and allows you to have finer control over the update rate.

Remember to adjust the interval according to your needs and the performance requirements of your project. Very frequent updates may impact performance, so use them judiciously.

Optimization Tip

Pre-initializing 'WaitForSeconds' outside the loop to avoid creating a new instance in each frame can improve performance. Here's how you can modify the script to pre-initialize 'WaitForSeconds':

using UnityEngine;

public class CustomUpdateManager : MonoBehaviour
    public float updateInterval = 0.1f; // Customize your update interval here

    private float timeSinceLastUpdate;
    private WaitForSeconds waitForSeconds;

    private void Start()
        timeSinceLastUpdate = 0f;
        waitForSeconds = new WaitForSeconds(updateInterval); // Pre-initialize WaitForSeconds

    private IEnumerator CustomUpdateLoop()
        while (true)
            // Custom update loop

            // Wait for the pre-initialized WaitForSeconds
            yield return waitForSeconds;

    private void UpdateLogic()
        // Your custom update logic goes here
        Debug.Log("Custom Update");

        // For example, move an object
        transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime);

By pre-initializing 'WaitForSeconds', you avoid the overhead of creating a new instance every frame, potentially improving performance, especially if your custom update loop runs frequently. This optimization is particularly useful if you have numerous instances of this script running concurrently or if your game is performance-sensitive.