How to Trigger a Cutscene in Unity

Cutscenes have been a cornerstone of video games for decades. They serve as a narrative bridge, seamlessly weaving gameplay with storytelling. They grant developers the ability to captivate players, control pacing, and deliver key story elements. In Unity, one of the premier game development platforms, triggering cutscenes can be accomplished in various ways. This guide will show you one approach to implementing a cutscene in Unity.

Why Use Cutscenes?

  • Narrative Depth: Cutscenes provide depth to the story, allowing players to connect with characters, understand motivations, and become immersed in the world.
  • Pacing Control: Developers can use cutscenes to slow down or break up gameplay, ensuring players aren't overwhelmed.
  • Visual and Audio Showcases: They allow developers to highlight the best of their visual and audio assets, showcasing the game's graphical and musical prowess.

When to Use Cutscenes?

  • Key Story Moments: When significant events or reveals occur.
  • Transition Between Levels: As a bridge between various stages or levels.
  • To Introduce New Mechanics: Giving players a heads-up about new gameplay features.

How to Set Up and Use a Cutscene in Unity

1. Install Timeline & Cinemachine

The Unity Timeline and Cinemachine tools are essential. Timeline allows for sequence creation, while Cinemachine offers camera control. Ensure both are installed via the Unity Package Manager.

2. Create a Timeline

  • Right-click in your project window and select 'Create' -> 'Timeline'.
  • Assign the new Timeline asset to an empty GameObject by adding a Playable Director component to it and linking the Timeline.

3. Set Up Cinemachine Cameras

  • For each shot in your cutscene, create a Cinemachine Virtual Camera.
  • Adjust each camera's properties to get the desired shot.
  • Place them on the Timeline sequentially.

4. Triggering the Cutscene

  • In the scene, create a trigger zone (e.g., using a Collider with 'isTrigger' set to true).
  • Use a script to detect when the player enters this zone. When detected, play the cutscene using the Playable Director's 'Play()' function.

Example script:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;

public class CutsceneTrigger : MonoBehaviour
    public PlayableDirector cutsceneDirector;

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
  • Ensure the player can't interfere during the cutscene by disabling player controls temporarily.

Importance of Cutscenes in Games

Cutscenes drive emotional engagement, offering players respite from action while deepening their connection to the game's narrative. They’re a cinematic tool that can evoke a spectrum of emotions, from exhilaration to sorrow, further anchoring a player's investment in the game world.

Questions Related to the Topic:

  1. Can I add animations to objects during the cutscene?: Absolutely! The Unity Timeline allows you to choreograph not just camera moves but also animations. Simply drag and drop animation clips onto the timeline and ensure they play at the desired times.
  2. How can I add audio or voiceover to my cutscene?: You can drag audio clips onto the Timeline, just as you would with animations. This allows for precise synchronization of sound with visuals.
  3. Can cutscenes be skipped by players?: Yes, with a bit of scripting. You can allow players to skip cutscenes, typically by pressing a button. In the script, you'd listen for the button press and then stop the Playable Director and restore regular gameplay.


Cutscenes, when used appropriately, can significantly enhance a game's narrative and overall experience. Unity provides robust tools to craft and integrate these sequences seamlessly.