How to Implement Infinite Scrolling in Unity UI

Infinite scrolling in UI refers to a technique where content (such as lists, grids, or scroll views) dynamically loads and displays additional items as the user scrolls, creating an illusion of unlimited content. This feature is commonly used in applications and games to present large datasets or collections without overwhelming the user with all items at once.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement an efficient infinite scrolling system within Unity's UI framework. We'll cover setting up a scroll view, dynamically loading content, handling scroll events, and optimizing performance.

Step 1: Setting Up the Project

Start by creating a new 2D or 3D project in Unity. Name your project "InfiniteScrollingUI". Ensure you have the necessary UI components installed by selecting Window -> Package Manager and installing UIElements and TextMeshPro packages if not already installed.

Step 2: Creating the Scroll View

In the Unity Editor:

  1. Right-click in the Hierarchy window and select UI -> ScrollView.
  2. Expand the ScrollView in the Hierarchy to locate the Viewport and Content game objects.
  3. Delete the default Text component from the Content game object.

Step 3: Setting Up the Item Template

Create a UI template for the items that will be displayed in the scroll view:

  1. Right-click on the Content game object and select UI -> Text. This will be your item template.
  2. Customize the appearance of the Text element to fit your design (e.g., font size, color).
  3. Disable the item template by unchecking the Text component to prevent it from being visible in the game.

Step 4: Scripting the Infinite Scrolling Behavior

Create a script to handle the dynamic loading and display of items in the scroll view. Right-click in the Assets folder, select Create -> C# Script, and name it "InfiniteScrollingUI". Double-click the script to open it in your code editor.

// InfiniteScrollingUI.cs
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class InfiniteScrollingUI : MonoBehaviour
    public RectTransform itemTemplate;
    public RectTransform content;

    private List items = new List();

    void Start()

    void InitializeItems()
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            RectTransform newItem = Instantiate(itemTemplate, content);
            newItem.GetComponent().text = "Item " + i;

    public void OnScroll(Vector2 scrollDelta)
        if (scrollDelta.y < 0 && content.anchoredPosition.y < -itemTemplate.rect.height * (items.Count - 10))
            RectTransform firstItem = items[0];
            firstItem.anchoredPosition = items[items.Count - 1].anchoredPosition + Vector2.up * itemTemplate.rect.height;
        else if (scrollDelta.y > 0 && content.anchoredPosition.y > 0)
            RectTransform lastItem = items[items.Count - 1];
            items.RemoveAt(items.Count - 1);
            lastItem.anchoredPosition = items[0].anchoredPosition - Vector2.up * itemTemplate.rect.height;
            items.Insert(0, lastItem);

Attach the InfiniteScrollingUI script to the ScrollView game object. In the Inspector window, assign the Item Template and Content RectTransforms to their respective fields.

Step 5: Handling Scroll Events

Add an event trigger to the ScrollView to detect scroll events and call the OnScroll method of the InfiniteScrollingUI script.

  1. Select the ScrollView game object in the Hierarchy.
  2. In the Inspector window, click Add Component and select Event Trigger.
  3. Click Add New Event Type and choose Scroll.
  4. Drag the ScrollView game object from the Hierarchy to the Object field of the new scroll event.
  5. In the Event dropdown, select InfiniteScrollingUI -> OnScroll.

Step 6: Testing the Infinite Scrolling System

Press the play button in Unity to test your infinite scrolling system. Scroll up and down in the ScrollView to see the items dynamically loading and recycling.


Implementing an infinite scrolling system in Unity UI is a valuable technique for handling large datasets and improving user interface responsiveness. By leveraging dynamic content loading and recycling, you can create a seamless browsing experience for users, whether they are navigating through lists, grids, or other UI components.

Experiment with different UI layouts, scroll speeds, and optimizations to tailor the infinite scrolling system to your specific project requirements. This approach not only enhances user engagement but also ensures your application performs efficiently across different devices and platforms.
