Godot Networking Basics

Welcome to the tutorial on Godot Networking Basics! In this tutorial, we'll cover the fundamentals of networking in Godot Engine, allowing you to connect players in your game over a network connection. Whether you're building multiplayer games or implementing online features, understanding networking in Godot is essential.

Introduction to Networking in Godot

Networking in Godot enables communication between different instances of your game running on separate devices. With networking, you can synchronize game state, exchange messages, and facilitate multiplayer interactions between players.

Setting Up Your Project

Start by creating a new project in Godot Engine or opening an existing one. Ensure that you have the necessary scenes, nodes, and scripts for implementing networking features. Organize your project's directory structure for easy access to networking resources.

Creating a Networked Scene

Designate a scene as networked by enabling the networking option in its properties. Configure the scene's network identity, such as its network master or authority, which determines how changes to the scene propagate across the network.

# Example of enabling networking for a scene in Godot
extends Node

# Enable networking for this scene
network_mode = NetworkMode.PUPPET

Connecting Players

Establish connections between players by creating network peers and connecting them over a network protocol such as TCP or UDP. Use Godot's built-in networking APIs to manage connections, send and receive messages, and synchronize game state between players.

# Example of connecting players in Godot
extends Node

# Create a network peer
var peer = NetworkedMultiplayerENet.new()
peer.create_client("", 1234)

Synchronizing Game State

Synchronize game state between players by replicating relevant data across the network. Use RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) to invoke functions on remote peers, ensuring that actions performed by one player are replicated to all other players in the game.

Testing and Debugging

Test your networking implementation in a multiplayer environment to ensure that connections are established correctly, messages are exchanged efficiently, and the game state is synchronized accurately. Use Godot's debugging tools and network monitoring to diagnose and troubleshoot networking issues.


You've completed the tutorial on Godot Networking Basics. This tutorial covered the fundamentals of networking in Godot Engine, including setting up your project, creating networked scenes, connecting players, synchronizing game state, and testing and debugging your networking implementation. Now, continue exploring Godot's networking features and create exciting multiplayer experiences for your players!