Creating a Roguelike Game in Godot

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a roguelike game using Godot, a versatile open-source game engine. Roguelike games are characterized by procedurally generated levels, permadeath, and often feature turn-based gameplay.

Setting Up Your Project

Start by creating a new 2D project in Godot. Once your project is created, set up your main scene:

  1. Procedural Generation:
    • Implement procedural generation algorithms to create randomized dungeons or levels.
    • Use Godot's TileMap nodes or custom scripts to generate terrain, rooms, and corridors.
  2. Player Character:
    • Create a KinematicBody2D node for the player character.
    • Design animations for movement and attacks, and set up collision shapes for interaction with the environment and enemies.
  3. Turn-Based Movement:
    • Write scripts to handle turn-based movement and actions.
    • Use input events to detect player commands such as movement, attacks, and item usage.

Designing Gameplay Elements

Enhance your roguelike game by incorporating these essential elements:

  • Permadeath: Implement permadeath mechanics where dying ends the game and resets progress, emphasizing strategic decisions and risk management.
  • Procedural Items and Enemies: Generate random items and enemies with varying attributes, strengths, and weaknesses to provide unique gameplay experiences in each run.
  • Progression System: Design a progression system that rewards players with upgrades, abilities, or new characters based on achievements or milestones.

Code Example: Turn-Based Movement and Actions

extends KinematicBody2D

const MOVE_SPEED = 100
const ATTACK_DAMAGE = 10
const ATTACK_RANGE = 50
var is_player_turn = true

func _process(delta):
    if is_player_turn:

func handle_player_input():
    var movement_vector = Vector2.ZERO
    if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
        movement_vector.y -= 1
    elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"):
        movement_vector.y += 1
    elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"):
        movement_vector.x -= 1
    elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"):
        movement_vector.x += 1

    movement_vector = movement_vector.normalized() * MOVE_SPEED * delta

    if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack"):
        var hit = move_and_collide(Vector2(ATTACK_RANGE, 0).rotated(rotation))
        if hit:
            if hit.collider is Enemy:
            # Add visual and audio effects for attack
            # Implement enemy AI or turn-based logic for enemy actions
            is_player_turn = false

Explanation of Code

  • MOVE_SPEED: Constant defining the player's movement speed.
  • ATTACK_DAMAGE: Constant defining the damage dealt by the player's attack.
  • ATTACK_RANGE: Constant defining the range of the player's attack.
  • is_player_turn: Boolean variable tracking whether it's the player's turn to act.
  • _process(delta): Function that runs every frame to handle player input and actions during the player's turn.
  • handle_player_input(): Function that processes player movement and attack inputs. Moves the player character based on directional keys and performs an attack if the attack action is triggered.

Polishing Your Game

Finalize your roguelike game with these steps:

  1. Randomization and Replayability: Enhance procedural generation to create diverse and challenging levels. Implement systems to ensure each playthrough feels unique and replayable.
  2. Visual and Audio Feedback: Add visual effects for actions, transitions, and events. Include atmospheric music and sound effects that complement the game's atmosphere and enhance player immersion.
  3. Testing and Balancing: Playtest your game extensively to balance difficulty, progression, and randomness. Use Godot's profiling tools to optimize performance and identify any bugs or issues.


With this tutorial, you've learned the foundational steps to create a roguelike game in Godot. Roguelike games offer challenging gameplay with procedural generation, permadeath, and strategic decision-making. Experiment with different procedural generation techniques, gameplay mechanics, and progression systems to create a unique and engaging roguelike experience for players. Enjoy developing your roguelike adventure!