Creating a Clash of Clans-like Game in Unity

In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps to create a simple game similar to Clash of Clans in Unity. This will include setting up the game environment, creating a user interface, implementing building mechanics, and managing resources.

Setting Up the Project

Start by creating a new Unity project:

  1. Open Unity Hub and click on New Project.
  2. Select 2D and name your project ClashOfClansClone.
  3. Click Create.

Creating the Game Environment

For a Clash of Clans-like game, you’ll need a map to build your village.

  1. Create a new scene and name it MainScene.
  2. Right-click in the Hierarchy, select 2D Object > Sprite to create a background for your village.
  3. Import assets like grass tiles and building sprites. You can use free assets from the Unity Asset Store or create your own.

Setting Up the Player Resources

Players need resources to build structures. Let’s create a simple resource management system.

using UnityEngine;

public class ResourceManager : MonoBehaviour
    public int gold;
    public int elixir;

    public void AddGold(int amount)
        gold += amount;

    public void AddElixir(int amount)
        elixir += amount;

Creating Building Prefabs

Create prefabs for buildings (e.g., Gold Mine, Elixir Collector). Here’s how to set up a simple building:

  1. Create a new GameObject for your building by right-clicking in the Hierarchy and selecting 2D Object > Sprite.
  2. Name it GoldMine and assign a sprite from your assets.
  3. Attach a script called Building to handle the building logic.
using UnityEngine;

public class Building : MonoBehaviour
    public int productionRate;
    public ResourceManager resourceManager;

    private float timer;

    void Update()
        timer += Time.deltaTime;
        if (timer >= 1f) // Every second
            timer = 0f;

Implementing Building Placement

Allow players to place buildings on the map. We can use a simple mouse click detection to place buildings.

using UnityEngine;

public class BuildingPlacer : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject buildingPrefab;
    public ResourceManager resourceManager;

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            Vector3 mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            mousePos.z = 0; // Set z to 0 for 2D

            // Check for enough resources
            if ( >= 100) // Example cost
                Instantiate(buildingPrefab, mousePos, Quaternion.identity);
                resourceManager.AddGold(-100); // Deduct cost

Creating the User Interface

Set up a simple UI to display player resources and building options:

  1. Right-click in the Hierarchy, select UI > Canvas.
  2. Inside the Canvas, create a Text object to display gold and elixir amounts.
  3. Assign a script to update the UI based on resource changes.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour
    public ResourceManager resourceManager;
    public Text goldText;
    public Text elixirText;

    void Update()
        goldText.text = "Gold: " +;
        elixirText.text = "Elixir: " + resourceManager.elixir;

Adding Game Mechanics

Enhance the gameplay by adding features like troop training, attacking, and base upgrades. Consider creating additional scripts for managing troop mechanics and building upgrades.


You have created a basic framework for a Clash of Clans-like game in Unity. This tutorial covers the fundamental components: resource management, building placement, and UI updates. You can expand this project by adding more buildings, troop management, multiplayer features, and animations.

Next Steps

Unity 6