An Unexpected Confluence of Game Development and the Concept of Glomerules

When one thinks of game development, images of computer graphics, complex programming, and interactive gameplay might spring to mind. On the other hand, the term glomerule might conjure up an altogether different scene, reminiscent of biology textbooks and intricate microstructures. Surprisingly, when you delve deeper, there are remarkable parallels and insights one can draw from each domain to benefit the other. This article explores the unusual yet enlightening intersections between game development and the concept of glomerules.

What are Glomerules?

To understand the connection, one must first be familiar with what glomerules are. Glomerules are tiny, ball-shaped structures found in the kidneys. They're essential for filtering blood, removing waste products, and determining what stays and what gets excreted. Each glomerulus serves as a mini filtering unit or a sieve, allowing some substances to pass through while retaining others.

The Parallels: Filtering Mechanisms in Game Development

In game development, especially during the design phase, there is a constant process of filtering. This filtering isn't about blood and waste but ideas and concepts. Game designers and developers are faced with a plethora of ideas, mechanics, and storylines. They need a mechanism, much like the glomerule, to discern which ideas fit the desired game's narrative and mechanics and which should be discarded.

  1. Selective Permeability: Just as the glomerules allow certain substances to pass through based on their size and charge, game developers allow certain ideas to filter through based on their alignment with the game's overall vision and feasibility.
  2. Feedback Mechanisms: The kidneys adjust filtration rates based on the body's needs. In a similar vein, game developers often iterate on their designs based on feedback. Whether this feedback comes from playtests, team input, or audience reception, it plays a pivotal role in refining the end product.
  3. Safeguarding Essential Elements: Glomerules ensure that essential substances like proteins are retained in the blood. Similarly, game developers have core mechanics or story elements that are integral to the game's identity. Throughout the development process, it's crucial to ensure these elements aren't lost or overshadowed.

The Inspirational Spin: Learning from Nature's Design

Nature, with its eons of evolution, has perfected many systems, glomerules being one of them. Game developers, in their quest to perfect their craft, can find inspiration in such biological marvels.

  • Efficiency: Glomerules function 24/7, filtering gallons of blood daily without faltering. Game developers can strive for such efficiency, ensuring that their games run smoothly, and free from bugs and glitches.
  • Adaptability: The kidneys can adjust their function based on various physiological needs. Similarly, a great game is adaptable, scalable, and can evolve based on user demands and technological advancements.


While at first glance, game development and glomerules might seem worlds apart, a closer inspection reveals a wealth of parallels and lessons. By viewing game development through the lens of biology and the glomerule's efficient design, developers might discover new pathways to innovation, refinement, and excellence in their creations.