Adding Video Surveillance in Unity

Creating a video surveillance system in Unity can add an exciting layer of depth to your games or simulations. Whether you’re developing a stealth game, a horror experience, or a security simulation, a video surveillance system can enhance gameplay and immersion. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to set up a functional video surveillance system in Unity using cameras, render textures, and UI elements.

Step 1: Setting Up the Scene

Before we start with the video surveillance system, we need to create a basic environment where the surveillance cameras can be placed. If you already have a scene, you can skip this step.

  1. Create a new 3D scene in Unity by going to File > New Scene.
  2. Add a Terrain or a few Cubes to serve as walls and floors.
  3. Position some 3D objects around the scene to make it visually interesting and provide areas to monitor with the cameras.
  4. Add a Player GameObject to the scene. You can use the standard Unity assets or your own custom character controller.

Step 2: Adding Surveillance Cameras

The core of a video surveillance system is the cameras that capture the scene. We'll create multiple surveillance cameras and set them up to monitor different areas.

  1. Right-click in the Hierarchy and select Create > Camera to add a new camera to the scene.
  2. Position the camera in a location where you want it to monitor. You can move and rotate the camera in the Scene View to get the desired angle.
  3. Rename the camera to something descriptive, such as "SurveillanceCamera1".
  4. Repeat the above steps to create multiple cameras that cover different areas of your scene.
  5. Adjust the Field of View and Clipping Planes properties of each camera as needed to cover more or less area.

Step 3: Creating Render Textures for Cameras

To display the surveillance feed from the cameras, we need to use Render Textures. Render Textures are special textures that Unity can render the output of a camera onto, allowing us to display camera feeds on screens in the game.

  1. Right-click in the Assets folder in the Project window and select Create > Render Texture.
  2. Rename the new render texture to "SurveillanceFeed1".
  3. Select the render texture and adjust its resolution if needed. Higher resolution means better quality but may affect performance.
  4. Assign the Target Texture property of "SurveillanceCamera1" to "SurveillanceFeed1". This will make the camera render its view to the render texture.
  5. Repeat the process to create render textures for each surveillance camera.

Step 4: Displaying the Camera Feeds on Screens

Now that the cameras are rendering to textures, we can display these textures on in-game screens or UI elements to mimic a real surveillance system.

Using In-Game Screens

  1. Create a 3D screen in your scene using a Quad or a Plane to serve as a TV or monitor screen.
  2. Right-click in the Hierarchy and select Create > 3D Object > Quad.
  3. Position the Quad where you want the screen to be.
  4. Create a new material by right-clicking in the Assets folder and selecting Create > Material. Name it "SurveillanceScreen1".
  5. Set the Shader of the material to Unlit/Texture. This shader will display the texture without any lighting effects.
  6. Assign "SurveillanceFeed1" to the material's Main Texture property.
  7. Drag the "SurveillanceScreen1" material onto the Quad to apply it.
  8. Repeat the steps for each camera feed, creating multiple screens in different locations as needed.

Using UI Elements

  1. Create a Canvas in the Hierarchy by right-clicking and selecting Create > UI > Canvas.
  2. Inside the Canvas, create a Raw Image by right-clicking on the Canvas and selecting Create > UI > Raw Image.
  3. Adjust the size and position of the Raw Image to your desired screen size.
  4. Assign "SurveillanceFeed1" as the texture for the Raw Image.
  5. Repeat these steps to create multiple Raw Images, each displaying a different camera feed.

Step 5: Switching Between Camera Feeds

For a more dynamic surveillance system, you may want to allow players to switch between different camera feeds. This can be done using a simple script.

Create a Camera Switcher Script

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class CameraSwitcher : MonoBehaviour
    public RenderTexture[] cameraFeeds; // Assign RenderTextures in the Inspector
    public RawImage displayImage; // Assign the UI Raw Image in the Inspector

    private int currentFeedIndex = 0;

    void Start()
        if (cameraFeeds.Length > 0)
            displayImage.texture = cameraFeeds[currentFeedIndex];

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) // Use Space to switch feeds
            currentFeedIndex = (currentFeedIndex + 1) % cameraFeeds.Length;
            displayImage.texture = cameraFeeds[currentFeedIndex];
  1. Create a new C# script called CameraSwitcher and add the code above.
  2. Attach the script to an empty GameObject in your scene.
  3. Assign the RenderTexture assets and the Raw Image component in the Inspector.
  4. Press Play and use the Space key to switch between camera feeds.

Step 6: Adding Additional Effects

To make your surveillance system more realistic and engaging, you can add effects like static, noise, or overlays to simulate interference or enhance immersion.

Adding Static Effect

Create a shader or use a shader asset from the Unity Asset Store to add a static noise effect. Apply it to the surveillance screen materials or directly on the camera feeds using Post-Processing effects.

Simulating Camera Movement

You can also add some minor movement or random camera sway to make the surveillance system more dynamic. Attach a script to each camera to achieve this.

public class CameraSway : MonoBehaviour
    public float swayAmount = 0.5f;
    public float swaySpeed = 0.5f;

    private Vector3 initialPosition;

    void Start()
        initialPosition = transform.position;

    void Update()
        float sway = Mathf.Sin(Time.time * swaySpeed) * swayAmount;
        transform.position = initialPosition + new Vector3(0, sway, 0);


By following these steps, you can create a robust video surveillance system in Unity, complete with multiple camera feeds, dynamic screen switching, and realistic effects. This system can greatly enhance gameplay mechanics in various genres, from stealth games to horror adventures. Experiment with different settings and scripts to tailor the surveillance system to fit your game’s unique requirements.

Unity 6